
“17 Qs on Supercharging Your Job Search” | SelfRecruiter.com & John Crant – Episode 17

“17 Qs on Supercharging Your Job Search” | SelfRecruiter.com & John Crant – Episode 17
Ask, SelfRecruiter® ‘LIVE STREAMING’ Q&A, on my LinkedIn / Facebook / YouTube channels:


Q How can I make my Job Search more effective?
Q How can I improve my Personal Career Brand?
Q How do I make my resume work like ‘Magic’?
Q How do I make my LinkedIn Profile into a ‘3-dimensional sales brochure’?
Q How do I create an effective Cover Letter?
Q Should I create a Bio or Biographical Outline?
Q How do I choose the ‘right’ Profile Photo for Linkedin (& other social media uses)?
Q How do I create ‘statistically’ perfect lists of Employers that I should approach?
Q How do I do Networking with Virtual Communities (Groups) on Linkedin?
Q How do I network more effectively with past coworkers?
Q How do I ‘warm up’ my target audience at a company through LinkedIn?
Q How do I ‘sparkle’ at a Networking Event?
Q How should I ‘apply’ for a job?
Q How should I prepare for my Interview?
Q Should I utilize Recruitment Agencies to find a new job?
Q How do I best use the Phone, during my Job Search?
Q Should I use Twitter?


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